Thursday, 30 April 2009


sooo... today my Dad is off work and my sister bought new shelves for our room so we intend to put them up...

this makes me laugh..."I'd ask if you were decent, but thats never the case"... I said that to Joey... lol... sorry.......

Other than that im not too pleased, the weather has dampend my spirits, I still havn't recieved my new phone and I regret having said things I did to a special friend. I'm publicly announcing my idiocy and I am apologising.

The photo on this blog was done by me, captured by Joey, it reflects my feelings for today...

To all of you out there, enjoy your day...

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Mr sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun..

... Is shining down on me!!! :) 

It is such a beautiful day, all I can think of is... "For her mountains brought him close to the delights of heaven...One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls"!

Pure bliss and enjoyment, im just imagining myself on a beach, watching the sun's reflection glisten on the water, I CANNOT WAIT FOR SUMMER...!!!! 

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Lacking motivation

... Lately I havn't been feeling myself 100%... Not entirely sure why but I have an inkling... I need to start studying but I havn't been motivated or in the right state of mind. My exams are slowly approaching and now would be the right time to start. I admit that I am being a tad lazy, but im never like this. So I'm going to need a kick up the bum to get me started, or even better get back what I'm missing... I handed in a piece of coursework yesterday, I'm hoping I get a pass as that is all I'm really expecting out of it, not a 2.1 and not a 1st...  

What always crosses my mind is teaching methods and studying methods, if it wasn't so boring we'd all do it right? So whats going to get us keen and want to take a second look? Dont get me wrong I love the course although I do feel it could use a little bit of ooomph, as opposed to the constant slur of lecturer's voices and the blur of powerpoints... it's all very grey... Especially due to the subject matter- sometimes it can be exciting, other times it's rather the opposite :/. I know for a fact that when I want something to interest me, It needs to stimulate my mind... 

Alot of things stimulate my mind but at the moment everything seems to lack oomph! It may also be "end of year syndrome" I made that term up but I wont be surprised if there isn't a psychological term for it... Lets face it, we all get lazy towards the end of something especially when theres something more exciting to look forward to... I'm looking forward to my holiday, I intend to get a job, but theres nothing more exciting than summer.

Guess what? I already feel a tad more motivated, talking about it has helped and I'm looking forward to the summer so the quicker I get the academics out of the way, the quicker I can enjoy my holiday. Also I'm taking my own advice in anticipating the future with an open mind, not apprehending it.... Simply because I dont't know whats going to happen next....

I'm open to motivational/ study tips... :)

Peace  x

Monday, 27 April 2009

My super AMAZING artist sister!

So there's this chick who I know and love... Her name is Juwairiyyah/Joey/ JoJo.... anyhooo she is an amazing artist. Im not entirely sure what inspires her but recently shes become a huge fan of digital art and photography.... You can view some of her work at ... 

Freedom Day!

I'd like to wish all South Africans a wonderful day! Hoping this day allows each and everyone of you to remember how far South Africa has come in terms of the development of society, and the freedom from apartheid. Also, I ask you all to remember the people who are still reaping the constraints of what apartheid has left behind...Poverty in South Africa still needs to come along way. I do hope we can all contribute to making the world a better place! I sound like a charity advert, but this is truly a worthy course... Viva South Africa!

On a lighter note.... HAVE A FABULOUS DAY! :)

Much Love x

Sunday, 26 April 2009


...Notes on Islam.

You will notice that I follow this blog. It has intrigued me and raised awareness surrounding the spirtituallity within Islam. Additionally, it directs focus on Islamic sciences. Take a look, as many of you might find the articles as interesting as I have found them. Some of you may even feel inspired. The writer of this blog, Samir has clearly devoted alot of time and effort in creating the blog with an aim to inform... He is most certaintly achieving that!! :)

Whilst reading some posts on the blog, my attention was drawn to the poetry section. ....

A poem by Shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi


Full near I came unto where dwelleth
Layla, when I heard her call.
That voice, would I might ever hear it!
She favored me, and drew me to her,
Took me in, into her precinct,
With discourse intimate addressed me.
She sat me by her, then came closer,
Raised the cloak that hid her from me,
Made me marvel to distraction,
Bewildered me with all her beauty.
She took me and amazed me,
And hid me in her inmost self,
Until I thought that she was I,
And my life she took as ransom.
She changed me and transfigured me,
And marked me with her special sign,
Pressed me to her, put me from her,
Named me as she is named.
Having slain and crumbled me,
She steeped the fragments in her blood.
Then, after my death, she raised me:
My star shines in her firmament.
Where is my life, and where my body,
Where my willful soul? From her
The truth of these shone out to me
Secrets that had been hidden from me.
Mine eyes have never seen but her:
To naught else can they testify.
All meanings in her are comprised.
Glory be to her Creator!
Thou that beauty wouldst describe,
Here is something of her brightness
Take it from me. It is my art.
Think it not idle vanity.
My Heart lied not when it divulged
The secret of my meeting her.
If nearness unto her effaceth,
I still subsist in her substance.

Source and reference:

This poem is truely beautiful and encapsulates the beauty of women, love and happiness. Being a real softy, it brought tears to my eyes. It is most definately a poem filled with honour and grace. 

The blog also contains general posts on Islam... go take a look!!

A taste of home... yum yum!

This morning my Mom decided to make Koeksisters, *drool*.... nothing better than a koeksister on a sunday... an addition to boosting my spirits on such a beautiful day... 

(Photo from I'll update later with pics of all home-made goodies ;) )

Koeksisters are a traditional South African delicacy... My Mom makes them the Cape Malay way.... Its a spicy (mixed spice, cinnammon, ginger, orange rind) donut dipped in syrup and coated with coconut. I am now salivating.... :) They were just toooo yummy!!! 

My sisters friend is over today and she tried them... thought they were really yummy... Because they are! heheehe! :D

I've joined the blogging buzz...

I finally decided to engulf myself into the cyber-world. Im an internet addict, and thought- why not take it one step further?... So here I am. 

I'm a huge fan of blogging and I enjoy taking time out to read some... I'll do a later posts on particular blogs I love reading.. 

A bit about me....

I'm currently studying Law (llb) at a London University. I absolutely love the course, simply because I have met such wonderful people on it. I owe my enjoyment of the course to Tanya!- She makes it a million times more fun and exciting... Also, Irina who I admire for her 100% commitment to her course and her success! :)

I love my family and friends, they are the fuel  for my life... You are all much loved...

Currently I reside in the UK. I am originally South African. I am extremly proud of my heritage, country and culture. 

I adore fashion, lifestyle and food... nothing better than a new pair of shoes, another pair of earrings, a walk down south-bank, perching at a cafe for a panini and macchiato! Bliss!

Im intrigued by other cultures, and I intend on travelling the world to find out more...

Watch this space for more on my life... I am going to make this blog about things that interest me... :)